Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Newcomers that want to change things

I was born in this seaside town of Hastings and brought up in the Older part of the town, Old Hastings or the Old Town as we refer to it!
The Old Town is a fishing quarter and has been since the year dot.
Now we all know that associated to a fishing industry are seagulls, these are a part and parcel of life, more so in a seaside town with a fishing fleet.
Well I can understand people moving from the smoke to live by the sea, But! I can’t understand why the hell they do it and then do nothing but complain and moan about the seagulls.
They even go so far as to call for them to be culled. Alright we know at times they can drive you mad, especially when you have just washed the car (we all know what happens then) but why the hell do they move to seaside towns like this in the first place, surely a little country village away from it all or at least to a seaside town that does not have a fishing industry.
Years ago we had the same problem, we had motor cycle speedway meetings once a week, the track was around our local football clubs pitch, and well attended it was. It was that is until opposite the football stadium they decided to build bungalows.
What happens, people from London decide Oh! Hastings it’s a nice place, lets move there.
When two roads of these bungalows are all occupied, you’ve guessed what happens, haven’t you!, they get together, lobby the council, complaining about the noise from the speedway opposite, and hey presto! Get the speedway closed down.
Just look at the small country villages, people buy a second home their knowing it's a country village, then what do they do, complain about a cockerel crowing.
What do they expect in the country cardboard cut-outs instead of real animals.
For gods sake why don’t they when they come and look at a property, take the time to look around and find out what might annoy them, then they can make up there minds to look elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. People will complain about just anything dickyboy, I am sure it makes their inadiquate lives more interesting somehow, who knows I am just glad i don't have any friends like that. Maybe they should take a long hard look at their lives and decide whats really important.
